Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Here we goooooooo

Ok after realizing that I must be the only person in the universe that does NOT have a blog, I am making the attempt. Futile and assanine as it may be it still is an attempt. So what do I hope to accomplish by this. Well over the past few months I have discovered that I can share things with millions of other people by just putting them in this thing so I hope to share with all of you or just the one of me, what I find and think is cool. Whether that be a website, music, pix or projects, I just want to share the love.
So I will start by posting a picture of my pride and joy MY BOOOOO dog and her dad. I hope I do this right. More to come hopefully.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congrats on your new blog, and thanks for the link to mine!