Saturday, September 13, 2008

Apples, carmel and cheesecake oh my

I forgot to mention I baked this today
With help from Mike of course.
Oh my there has to be a place for Paula Dean in heaven if not for sure in hell. BUTTER.


Donna said...

yummy yummy -- may ahve to bake tomorrow :-)

Beans said...

Honestly its easy. Only hard part is chopping up all the apples. And its absolutely wonderful. Not too sweet and great with a good cup of coffee. New favorite desert. I used fresh cortland apples from our local farmers market.

HollyLynne said...

oh jesus . . . . HOT DAMN!!!!

Renee said...

i want to make this RIGHT now. lol. too bad it's after 8 now and i totally have none of the ingredients to speak of. but this is definately one i'll be trying soon. thanks for putting us wise to the recipe. can't wait to try it.