Sunday, November 2, 2008

Wild Weekend

Went to a local guilds quilt show. Fell in love with this quilt.

This is what its all about. Absolutely GORGEOUS. Here is detail of the stitching.
Now I'm jealous of that.
Second the quilt top for Mike's car club is done.

They will be raffling it off next month at their X-mas party with ALL proceeds going to Toys for Tots. What will I receive in exchange? Free advertising. Mike feels that if enough people see this at the party there are enough other members out there that would like one for themselves made from their own t-shirts. SOOOOOO, the ETSY shop will be getting free advertising in the club's monthly newsletter. I think they have at least 50 members not to mention family and friends. Only catch is that I have to list this as an example on the shop and hope that after the holidays I will have enough time to complete the orders. If I get any. Good thing is that these are easy peasy and really aren't that hard. They can be done with any and all types of shirts. I have seen Greek ones (Sigma Theta whatever), school ones (high school, college etc) team ones (played on or rooted for) the possibilities are endless. I personally like the old school concert t ones. Ahhh the memories. Anyway I have to list something on the shop so that when the Dec newsletter comes out there will be something there. We may also get a link on the clubs brand spanking new website. But that has yet to be determined.
So I am hoping that this will bring in some much needed revenue to the shop. We shall see. Plus it will give me an outlet for starting the quilting biz.
So I am going to proof a posting for the shop and we should have a listing by tonight.

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