Thursday, July 10, 2008

Mama likie......

Ok I made a decision not to cut my hair. Now the last time I had my hair longer than 2 inches was back in HIGH SCHOOL. I wont even mention how long ago that was. But the stars have aligned and are working in my favor. I found an awesome pattern for headbands. So with the new pattern and my abundance of fabric I have decided to make alot of them and either do the craft show circut or start my own etsy store. I was also thinking of making those masks you wear when you sleep too so we shall see. I took one into work to get the girlie girls opinion and walked away with 8 orders. So the first ones will be my walking advertizments at work and if all goes well maybe I can do the Etsy thing too.
I am a very crafty person but I focus my efforts on quilting. I love it. It is my way of escaping from the rest of the world and its problems and create something one of a kind. My quilts are labors of love and have been received by many family and friends. I am currently working on 7 different quilts, all of which are at different levels of completion and are scheduled to be done by X-mas. (Buddha willing) I am an active member of my local quilt guild and taught my first quilting class last Saturday. We made a sewing machine cover. The goal is to one day have my own shop and long arm business. Thats a dream that hasnt waivered over the past few years.
Here are some pix of the headbands and my quilt room.


Domesticrazy said...


HollyLynne said...

the headbands are super cute!! can't wait to see your shop . . . i personally think EVERYONE should open an Etsy shop and I've gotten a little bit of a reputation for telling EVERYONE so. i hope you have fun setting yours up!