Sat with mom at the quilt show was AMAZING. We had so much fun. Likely the most fun we have ever had together. This is my favorite. All the pictures are made up of hundreds if little pictures. The coolest part was the mirrored square.
Second favorite was this one.
This won the best in show.
They had a really cool display from a group of guilds. It was a challenge from one of the Batik companies. They provided the blue fabric and the quilters were given the area on the hanging where the blue had to be (2in down from top 3 inches long on left 2 in up from bottom 5in on right) They made it so they all came together and formed a river. There is mom.
So for all the greatness Sat brought Sun balanced it out.
I wont get into details but the Inspector was an ass jack ass. I cried the whole way home and have pretty much thrown in the towel. He didnt bring a ladder to get up on the roof. He treated me like a girl when I had grown up manlike questions. He didnt check the things that he was supposed to and checked the things he didnt have to. So once I calmed down I emailed my realtor and explained the things that we found unacceptable with the home. #1 the gas dryer was directly over the sump pump. I wont list everything else or I may start crying again. So the whole thing is getting put on hold until I hear back from my realtor and the waterproofing guys. So I will just let the wave go and hold on some more.
End on a positive. More cool quilts.