I am now officially a homeowner. Kindof feels like it did when I turned 21. One day I wasnt aloud to drink the next day I was. Moved some boxes over tonight. Will be moving the major stuff tomorrow. Shower sleep tomorrow is going to be a big day. I have the camera ready to go.
Monday, July 27, 2009
I am now officially a homeowner. Kindof feels like it did when I turned 21. One day I wasnt aloud to drink the next day I was. Moved some boxes over tonight. Will be moving the major stuff tomorrow. Shower sleep tomorrow is going to be a big day. I have the camera ready to go.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Swing your partner round and round
So into work today with the mindset that no close till monday.
Working away phone rings 11:30. Can you come in and sign the close papers. SURE. Be here in a half hr. Jump in the car race through Friday lunch traffic in construction zone. Pull into title co new location. They moved yesterday remember? Go in find out my payments are 100.00/m more then they were on my estimate. They misfigured the property taxes. Oh well. Sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign signyou get the idea. Ok great we will have the dox down to the courthouse by 4 so it will be final tonight and you should get your keys from your realtor. Call the realtor let her know everything is on track and I will meet her at the house at 4. YEAH. Go home load up my hatchback to near capacity. Go inside and wait til my movers are off work. Get up go to grab keys and purse to leave. Phone rings. Realtor says BANK DIDNT DEPOSIT MONEY!!!!! NO KEYS!!! Appears the seller has spooked and thinks that there is a problem with the loan so i cant even move stuff in even if I needed too. Good thing I called the mattress guys to reschedule. SO call my movers tell them no go oh and sorry such late notice. OK we'll meet up for dinner anyway. Sit and work some because I left the office at 11:30 3 hrs after i walked in the door. Thank god I am salary. Unload car. Sit at computer and bitch. Which is where I am now.
Mike and I both took Tues off so that way we can move most stuff that day, mattress comes on Wed morning and DMB concert Wed night. My luck it will be a monsoon on Wednesday night.
Positive attitude though. Almost feels like an out of body experience. Erily calm...............
Working away phone rings 11:30. Can you come in and sign the close papers. SURE. Be here in a half hr. Jump in the car race through Friday lunch traffic in construction zone. Pull into title co new location. They moved yesterday remember? Go in find out my payments are 100.00/m more then they were on my estimate. They misfigured the property taxes. Oh well. Sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign signyou get the idea. Ok great we will have the dox down to the courthouse by 4 so it will be final tonight and you should get your keys from your realtor. Call the realtor let her know everything is on track and I will meet her at the house at 4. YEAH. Go home load up my hatchback to near capacity. Go inside and wait til my movers are off work. Get up go to grab keys and purse to leave. Phone rings. Realtor says BANK DIDNT DEPOSIT MONEY!!!!! NO KEYS!!! Appears the seller has spooked and thinks that there is a problem with the loan so i cant even move stuff in even if I needed too. Good thing I called the mattress guys to reschedule. SO call my movers tell them no go oh and sorry such late notice. OK we'll meet up for dinner anyway. Sit and work some because I left the office at 11:30 3 hrs after i walked in the door. Thank god I am salary. Unload car. Sit at computer and bitch. Which is where I am now.
Mike and I both took Tues off so that way we can move most stuff that day, mattress comes on Wed morning and DMB concert Wed night. My luck it will be a monsoon on Wednesday night.
Positive attitude though. Almost feels like an out of body experience. Erily calm...............
Thursday, July 23, 2009
No one mentioned this possibility
So I go to work today thinking like its Friday.
Tomorrow is closing. No big deal that I didnt have the closing check in hand from my bank.
I was confident it would come in the mail today. So I went to work hoping for the call from the title co to set the time and place to close. Had a meeting 10:30-11:30 no message. Lunch from 12-1 no message. Couple emails to my realtor. No response. By 3:00 I was getting nervous. I called my mortgage guy who told me that there had been a "glitch" at the bank. The paperwork had not made it from the bank to the title co. But he reassured me that the bank had emailed the dox to the title co and we shouldnt have a problem closing tomorrow. Then the realtor called. The title co is moving and they are shutting off the phones an hr early. grrr. Still I remain amazingly calm. For those of you that know me you would think I would have lost it weeks ago. So nothing from the title co. BUT the check came YEAH. As well as the comforter set and shower curtain. Realtor said there is a 50/50 chance I will still close tomorrow. So I rescheduled the mattress delivery to Wed. rather then Saturday just in case. Everything has been switched over effective tomorrow but no big deal not like the seller is going over and going to turn the house into a freezer. I figure something worth having is worth waiting for and its not like its not going to happen. It still may. Hope so because the "movers" are set for tomorrow night. If not Mike's dad has a van we can use. So I am going into work tomorrow hoping that I will hear something. If not I get 2 days off next week.
Tomorrow is closing. No big deal that I didnt have the closing check in hand from my bank.
I was confident it would come in the mail today. So I went to work hoping for the call from the title co to set the time and place to close. Had a meeting 10:30-11:30 no message. Lunch from 12-1 no message. Couple emails to my realtor. No response. By 3:00 I was getting nervous. I called my mortgage guy who told me that there had been a "glitch" at the bank. The paperwork had not made it from the bank to the title co. But he reassured me that the bank had emailed the dox to the title co and we shouldnt have a problem closing tomorrow. Then the realtor called. The title co is moving and they are shutting off the phones an hr early. grrr. Still I remain amazingly calm. For those of you that know me you would think I would have lost it weeks ago. So nothing from the title co. BUT the check came YEAH. As well as the comforter set and shower curtain. Realtor said there is a 50/50 chance I will still close tomorrow. So I rescheduled the mattress delivery to Wed. rather then Saturday just in case. Everything has been switched over effective tomorrow but no big deal not like the seller is going over and going to turn the house into a freezer. I figure something worth having is worth waiting for and its not like its not going to happen. It still may. Hope so because the "movers" are set for tomorrow night. If not Mike's dad has a van we can use. So I am going into work tomorrow hoping that I will hear something. If not I get 2 days off next week.
Monday, July 20, 2009
4 days left
So this weekend I went on a massive (for me) spending spree.
bedding set from O-stock.com (thanks holly) Mattress and box spring from local store, hit Target for towels and shower curtain rod, Target.com for shower curtain and dishes, Lowes for a tool set and fire extinguisher, Home depot garbage can and How to book, Ollies (discount store) bath mat and some non essentials. So I am supposed to close on Friday. God willing. Waiting to hear from the title company to set up the time and place. Mattress to be delivered Sat. Moving the bigger stuff with the help of 2 friends from work and a horse trailer on Friday after I get the keys.
Once moved I was told dinner at the local Italian restaurant was in order complete w. BYOB.
I am all packed except for clothes, shoes and jackets. All of which can be crammed into my little hatchback.
Its supposed to rain but thats my luck. I may not be able to post much but when I get settled I should have some pix up.
bedding set from O-stock.com (thanks holly) Mattress and box spring from local store, hit Target for towels and shower curtain rod, Target.com for shower curtain and dishes, Lowes for a tool set and fire extinguisher, Home depot garbage can and How to book, Ollies (discount store) bath mat and some non essentials. So I am supposed to close on Friday. God willing. Waiting to hear from the title company to set up the time and place. Mattress to be delivered Sat. Moving the bigger stuff with the help of 2 friends from work and a horse trailer on Friday after I get the keys.
Once moved I was told dinner at the local Italian restaurant was in order complete w. BYOB.
I am all packed except for clothes, shoes and jackets. All of which can be crammed into my little hatchback.
Its supposed to rain but thats my luck. I may not be able to post much but when I get settled I should have some pix up.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Check one two

Address change form with post office. check
Change car insurance. check
Get homeowners insurance. check
Get water, gas and electric set up. check
Start packing. check
Get help for moving what few bigger things I have. check
Am I missing anything?? my sanity maybe.
Closing is still on for the 24th, next friday.
I talked to my realtor and I wont be getting the keys until after 4 that day. Something to do with the courthouse. So I may end up signing going shopping for some essentials and then moving some boxes that night.
Since I am doing this on my own I will be roughing it for a few months until I can see how the budget I worked out goes. No cable or internet. No bed hopefully the air mattress will be somewhat comfortable.
I took my dad out to see the house and he was very pleased. I think maybe even a bit proud. It was hard doing this all on my own but I did it me by myself. So if it goes well great if not only me to blame. Mike has taken the whole thing very well. For a while there I was really scared. I am going to spend most of my time finishing up all those projects that have never gotten done so that should last me till the first of the year. Plus the little (and hopefully not too many big) things that come with a house. I would really like to paint but what is there now is great and really doesnt need changed. I am on the lookout for great bargains for house things. Towels, linens, drapes, furniture, art etc. There are some things on Etsy I have my eye on but any recommendations anyone out there has would be helpful too.
Change car insurance. check
Get homeowners insurance. check
Get water, gas and electric set up. check
Start packing. check
Get help for moving what few bigger things I have. check
Am I missing anything?? my sanity maybe.
Closing is still on for the 24th, next friday.
I talked to my realtor and I wont be getting the keys until after 4 that day. Something to do with the courthouse. So I may end up signing going shopping for some essentials and then moving some boxes that night.
Since I am doing this on my own I will be roughing it for a few months until I can see how the budget I worked out goes. No cable or internet. No bed hopefully the air mattress will be somewhat comfortable.
I took my dad out to see the house and he was very pleased. I think maybe even a bit proud. It was hard doing this all on my own but I did it me by myself. So if it goes well great if not only me to blame. Mike has taken the whole thing very well. For a while there I was really scared. I am going to spend most of my time finishing up all those projects that have never gotten done so that should last me till the first of the year. Plus the little (and hopefully not too many big) things that come with a house. I would really like to paint but what is there now is great and really doesnt need changed. I am on the lookout for great bargains for house things. Towels, linens, drapes, furniture, art etc. There are some things on Etsy I have my eye on but any recommendations anyone out there has would be helpful too.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
So after much MUCH MUCH thought I have taken the next step and have decided to buy the house. I am just waiting for the ok from the financing and closing is set for 7/24. What changed my mind from the way I was feeling before. Last Sat we went out to look at the area "under the stairs" one more time. The owner was there neither I or my realtor realized he would be there. It was a blessing in disguise. He took me all over the house. From the issues I had with the basement to the issue I had with the attic and EVERYTHING in between. I thought it would be a 15 min visit tops. 1hr and 15 min later I was convinced that I was making the right decision. Nothing is going to be perfect. I cant afford new either. I think this is the best that I could hope for and I am so happy and excited I think I have gone numb. Is this what adulthood feels like?
I am going to miss my life as it is now but this will help me achive my dreams on my terms.
Mike and I will be staying together and were going to see how things go. I hope we can. I REALLY DO. Only time will tell.
So now its list making and packing.
I am going to miss my life as it is now but this will help me achive my dreams on my terms.
Mike and I will be staying together and were going to see how things go. I hope we can. I REALLY DO. Only time will tell.
So now its list making and packing.
Monday, June 22, 2009
karma sucks
Karma is a terrible thing.
Sat with mom at the quilt show was AMAZING. We had so much fun. Likely the most fun we have ever had together. This is my favorite. All the pictures are made up of hundreds if little pictures. The coolest part was the mirrored square.
Second favorite was this one.
This won the best in show.
They had a really cool display from a group of guilds. It was a challenge from one of the Batik companies. They provided the blue fabric and the quilters were given the area on the hanging where the blue had to be (2in down from top 3 inches long on left 2 in up from bottom 5in on right) They made it so they all came together and formed a river. There is mom.
So for all the greatness Sat brought Sun balanced it out.
I wont get into details but the Inspector was an ass jack ass. I cried the whole way home and have pretty much thrown in the towel. He didnt bring a ladder to get up on the roof. He treated me like a girl when I had grown up manlike questions. He didnt check the things that he was supposed to and checked the things he didnt have to. So once I calmed down I emailed my realtor and explained the things that we found unacceptable with the home. #1 the gas dryer was directly over the sump pump. I wont list everything else or I may start crying again. So the whole thing is getting put on hold until I hear back from my realtor and the waterproofing guys. So I will just let the wave go and hold on some more.
End on a positive. More cool quilts.

Sat with mom at the quilt show was AMAZING. We had so much fun. Likely the most fun we have ever had together. This is my favorite. All the pictures are made up of hundreds if little pictures. The coolest part was the mirrored square.
Second favorite was this one.
This won the best in show.
They had a really cool display from a group of guilds. It was a challenge from one of the Batik companies. They provided the blue fabric and the quilters were given the area on the hanging where the blue had to be (2in down from top 3 inches long on left 2 in up from bottom 5in on right) They made it so they all came together and formed a river. There is mom.
So for all the greatness Sat brought Sun balanced it out.
I wont get into details but the Inspector was an ass jack ass. I cried the whole way home and have pretty much thrown in the towel. He didnt bring a ladder to get up on the roof. He treated me like a girl when I had grown up manlike questions. He didnt check the things that he was supposed to and checked the things he didnt have to. So once I calmed down I emailed my realtor and explained the things that we found unacceptable with the home. #1 the gas dryer was directly over the sump pump. I wont list everything else or I may start crying again. So the whole thing is getting put on hold until I hear back from my realtor and the waterproofing guys. So I will just let the wave go and hold on some more.
End on a positive. More cool quilts.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Ok so its been a while.
I have been busy seriously.
I finally found a house.
Put the offer in 6/6 countered a couple times finalized the offer 6/13.
Went to through the financing ppwk on Tuesday. Going to have the Home inspection done Sunday morning. Monday if things go well at the inspection I am getting online to submit some stuff for the state. Tues have more ppwk to sign for Ohio for the financing. And from there it should just be a matter of time. Closing is set for 7/24/09. Again if all goes well at the inspection. I have some concerns about the basement. There was some prior waterproofing done. (lifetime gurantee) But there is a crack in the floor. Now to me it doesnt seem to be a deal breaker Mike thinks I am crazy to even be considering the house at all. I am torn. So I am waiting to see what the inspector says. I have to pay for it but I would rather spend 300$ to be told by a professional that there is an issue then blame Mike for the rest of my life for not getting the house. I carry grudges.
Its perfect. Nice kitchen. Big enough to make dinners and bake. I dont entertain so I dont need a big space. All new appliances, fridge, dishwasher and range. There is a neat half bath on the main level between the kitchen and the basement. Nice little dining room so I dont have to eat on the couch anymore. Nice size living room it has a fireplace but it doesnt work. Candles here I come. A huge front window to let in a ton of light. Upstairs has a retro full bath and 3 bedrooms. One is perfect for the bedroom and one of the others will likely be an "office" for when I can afford to get my own computer. The other would be a great guest room for when D-crazy and the fam come for visit. Full basement with washer dryer new furnace, ac and hot water tank. Windows and siding is new and a 2 car garage. 1300 square feet for under 100k.
The 8K from Obama plus a new program for the state that provides up to 3% for the downpayment is really going to give me options to help start the business.
Oh and did I mention I signed up for classes and am going back to school to try and finish my 3rd degree. Grrrrr. Got quotes for Homeowners insurance too. So I need a break.
Mom came back into town. Were going to a huge quilt show in Columbus tomorrow. Were going on a Charter bus that the local quilt shop organized. 40$ awesome deal. I am taking the camera so be prepared for pictures.
My back breaks needed replaced after 78k miles go figure. Did that last Saturday. Oh and I got the recliner of my dreams as well Saturday. A Lane rocker recliner that swivels and has some kind of fabric like leather. Not pleather though. 200$ seriously it was orig 800$. Love it. First piece of furniture that will go in the house.
So I will post more on Sunday. Send the good house Karma my way.
I have been busy seriously.
I finally found a house.
Put the offer in 6/6 countered a couple times finalized the offer 6/13.
Went to through the financing ppwk on Tuesday. Going to have the Home inspection done Sunday morning. Monday if things go well at the inspection I am getting online to submit some stuff for the state. Tues have more ppwk to sign for Ohio for the financing. And from there it should just be a matter of time. Closing is set for 7/24/09. Again if all goes well at the inspection. I have some concerns about the basement. There was some prior waterproofing done. (lifetime gurantee) But there is a crack in the floor. Now to me it doesnt seem to be a deal breaker Mike thinks I am crazy to even be considering the house at all. I am torn. So I am waiting to see what the inspector says. I have to pay for it but I would rather spend 300$ to be told by a professional that there is an issue then blame Mike for the rest of my life for not getting the house. I carry grudges.
Its perfect. Nice kitchen. Big enough to make dinners and bake. I dont entertain so I dont need a big space. All new appliances, fridge, dishwasher and range. There is a neat half bath on the main level between the kitchen and the basement. Nice little dining room so I dont have to eat on the couch anymore. Nice size living room it has a fireplace but it doesnt work. Candles here I come. A huge front window to let in a ton of light. Upstairs has a retro full bath and 3 bedrooms. One is perfect for the bedroom and one of the others will likely be an "office" for when I can afford to get my own computer. The other would be a great guest room for when D-crazy and the fam come for visit. Full basement with washer dryer new furnace, ac and hot water tank. Windows and siding is new and a 2 car garage. 1300 square feet for under 100k.
The 8K from Obama plus a new program for the state that provides up to 3% for the downpayment is really going to give me options to help start the business.
Oh and did I mention I signed up for classes and am going back to school to try and finish my 3rd degree. Grrrrr. Got quotes for Homeowners insurance too. So I need a break.
Mom came back into town. Were going to a huge quilt show in Columbus tomorrow. Were going on a Charter bus that the local quilt shop organized. 40$ awesome deal. I am taking the camera so be prepared for pictures.
My back breaks needed replaced after 78k miles go figure. Did that last Saturday. Oh and I got the recliner of my dreams as well Saturday. A Lane rocker recliner that swivels and has some kind of fabric like leather. Not pleather though. 200$ seriously it was orig 800$. Love it. First piece of furniture that will go in the house.
So I will post more on Sunday. Send the good house Karma my way.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Quilt part 2
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Post 101
So since this Blog is supposed to be about quiliting......

This is the bosses quilt. I also have some hefty goals to finish a couple other ones this weekend.
Oh and we got the kid a pool. I know its cheezy but she LOVES it.

And the pool was not made in China only 10$. Worth every penny. She digs in the water and tries to catch the reflections.
This is the bosses quilt. I also have some hefty goals to finish a couple other ones this weekend.
Oh and we got the kid a pool. I know its cheezy but she LOVES it.
And the pool was not made in China only 10$. Worth every penny. She digs in the water and tries to catch the reflections.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Happy Memorial Day
Mike found this and I had to share it. It made me smile.
Wait for it Axel does make an appearance.
Wait for it Axel does make an appearance.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Rated R
So I didnt get the job
Recruiter said I did great but they found other people that were a better fit for the job. AKA I am overqualified. Duh that was part of the reason I was trying to get the job.
I am really having a tough time with this. I know I should be EXTREMELY thankful that I have a job there are hundreds of thousands of people who wish they were in my shoes. My main beef is that I bust my butt and get nothing but a paycheck for it. Oh and some great benefits. So I took advantage of one of those benefits (being salary) and left work and came home. WHY am I so upset? I should be thankful. There are things that I love about my job that I would have really missed. I just wish I felt like what I do really mattered. That people appreciated the effort and time that I put in on a daily basis. I wish someone would say thank you for collecting over 420k last month. Why is it that you are only recognized when your not doing a good job? There are so many things that frustrate me about my job and I wish with all my heart that I could just let it go and not personalize and take it personally. I wish I DIDNT GIVE A FUCK. There is a reason for this. Whether I know it now or not there is a reason. Maybe its so I have a job that is secure enough to allow me to look for and purchase my own home. I have another appointment Wednesday. Maybe I just need to have my DR write me a RX for something else that has a little more effect on my negative attitude. I want to be positive I DO. I cant figure out why I cant be.
Seriously we have ONE shot at this. ONE no do overs at the end and I really hate to think that this is really all there is for me. I dont want this to be as good as it gets. I want to matter. To know what I feel and how I think and what I do means SOMETHING TO SOMEONE. If not why the fuck even bother?
So I didnt get the job
Recruiter said I did great but they found other people that were a better fit for the job. AKA I am overqualified. Duh that was part of the reason I was trying to get the job.
I am really having a tough time with this. I know I should be EXTREMELY thankful that I have a job there are hundreds of thousands of people who wish they were in my shoes. My main beef is that I bust my butt and get nothing but a paycheck for it. Oh and some great benefits. So I took advantage of one of those benefits (being salary) and left work and came home. WHY am I so upset? I should be thankful. There are things that I love about my job that I would have really missed. I just wish I felt like what I do really mattered. That people appreciated the effort and time that I put in on a daily basis. I wish someone would say thank you for collecting over 420k last month. Why is it that you are only recognized when your not doing a good job? There are so many things that frustrate me about my job and I wish with all my heart that I could just let it go and not personalize and take it personally. I wish I DIDNT GIVE A FUCK. There is a reason for this. Whether I know it now or not there is a reason. Maybe its so I have a job that is secure enough to allow me to look for and purchase my own home. I have another appointment Wednesday. Maybe I just need to have my DR write me a RX for something else that has a little more effect on my negative attitude. I want to be positive I DO. I cant figure out why I cant be.
Seriously we have ONE shot at this. ONE no do overs at the end and I really hate to think that this is really all there is for me. I dont want this to be as good as it gets. I want to matter. To know what I feel and how I think and what I do means SOMETHING TO SOMEONE. If not why the fuck even bother?
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Hurry up and wait.
It has been a crazy week.
Mom and dad came in for Moms day and to celebrate Dad's new job.
For all you enviro fans he now works for a company that sells these pellets that you add to the mix when you make your plastic so that when you bury the plastic it COMPLETELY BIODEGRATES! Seriously.
Here is the link to the company.
That and Mike wound up in the ER Sunday night. Something to do with the riding lawn mower, a block holding the blade and slipping. All I heard was screaming and three stitches later we were home. Friday and Monday's interviews went great but now I am waiting to get a verdict which should have been in by Wednesday. Then I went to check out a couple more houses the other night worked one of the quilts last night and tonight waited for the Roadside assistance guy because Mikes tire went flat at work and they wont do work on your car unless someone is there. He would have changed the tire himself except for the nasty bite he got from the lawnmower.
So I am having my first drink in a couple weeks and it will involve Moonshine.
Oh and they just laid of 2% of the employees in our claims department. Totally unexpectedly. They normally take you and put you somewhere else but we dont have anywhere else to put them so alot were given packages and a thanks on their way out.
Mom and dad came in for Moms day and to celebrate Dad's new job.
For all you enviro fans he now works for a company that sells these pellets that you add to the mix when you make your plastic so that when you bury the plastic it COMPLETELY BIODEGRATES! Seriously.
Here is the link to the company.
That and Mike wound up in the ER Sunday night. Something to do with the riding lawn mower, a block holding the blade and slipping. All I heard was screaming and three stitches later we were home. Friday and Monday's interviews went great but now I am waiting to get a verdict which should have been in by Wednesday. Then I went to check out a couple more houses the other night worked one of the quilts last night and tonight waited for the Roadside assistance guy because Mikes tire went flat at work and they wont do work on your car unless someone is there. He would have changed the tire himself except for the nasty bite he got from the lawnmower.
So I am having my first drink in a couple weeks and it will involve Moonshine.
Oh and they just laid of 2% of the employees in our claims department. Totally unexpectedly. They normally take you and put you somewhere else but we dont have anywhere else to put them so alot were given packages and a thanks on their way out.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
"the Company"
I landed an interview for that new position at "The Company".
Friday I meet with the hiring manager and monday w. the HR rep.
So I am taking that as a good sign.
Only bad thing is that we have to answer all the interview questions using a certain format. STAR Situation Task Action Result.
Q: So give me an example of a time when you were faced with an unexpected challenge and what was the outcome.
A: Well I am in this situation now where I really dont like the place where I am living (S). So I have decided to start looking for a new home (T). I contacted a realtor friend of mine and we have been looking at some houses over the past month or so. (A) I havent seemed to find anything that fits my budget that I really feel comfortable with (R) (and here is the kicker you always have to end positive) but I think that if I keep trying that I will find something just perfect for me.
Every question has to be answered that way or you get points knocked off. Plus if your too brief it hurts you and if you ramble on it hurts you too. So I have some practice questions and I am going to get this "study" for my interviews. GRRRRRR. If I didnt want out of my current job so bad I wouldnt be putting myself through this hell.
I did get to buy new shoes and a new shirt though. Both of which were made in CHINA so I am none too pleased about that fact either. I will let you know how it goes. Oh and no new news on the house front other than the fact that the owner of the last place offered to drop the price drastically if I wanted it. Tempting yes but Im not that desperate....yet.
Friday I meet with the hiring manager and monday w. the HR rep.
So I am taking that as a good sign.
Only bad thing is that we have to answer all the interview questions using a certain format. STAR Situation Task Action Result.
Q: So give me an example of a time when you were faced with an unexpected challenge and what was the outcome.
A: Well I am in this situation now where I really dont like the place where I am living (S). So I have decided to start looking for a new home (T). I contacted a realtor friend of mine and we have been looking at some houses over the past month or so. (A) I havent seemed to find anything that fits my budget that I really feel comfortable with (R) (and here is the kicker you always have to end positive) but I think that if I keep trying that I will find something just perfect for me.
Every question has to be answered that way or you get points knocked off. Plus if your too brief it hurts you and if you ramble on it hurts you too. So I have some practice questions and I am going to get this "study" for my interviews. GRRRRRR. If I didnt want out of my current job so bad I wouldnt be putting myself through this hell.
I did get to buy new shoes and a new shirt though. Both of which were made in CHINA so I am none too pleased about that fact either. I will let you know how it goes. Oh and no new news on the house front other than the fact that the owner of the last place offered to drop the price drastically if I wanted it. Tempting yes but Im not that desperate....yet.
Monday, May 4, 2009
This sucks
House hunting yesterday did not go so well.
I trust Mike. I believe that when he tells me something its for my own good, even if its not for his.
We went to check out the house and well there were some issues that were overlooked. I am not a handy person so I had no idea the insulation in the upstairs was inadequate or that the fact that the house had been waterproofed 2x (inside and out) was a sure tail sign. The garage that I thought Mr. Obama would buy me would cost more like 12k to dig up and replace due to the brand new driveway that you couldnt drive a heavy duty truck on.
Little things here and there added up to one big mess. So no deal.
At least I didnt blow 200.00 on the home inspection just to find out the same things
So I am going to just go with the flow. Fate has a funny way of setting things up for you. I have an interview on Friday and Monday. I posted for a Legal Assistant job which I will hopefully get. I need out of the clicky little shithole I am in now. Screw being salary, I am sick of being expected to do 4 peoples jobs and only getting paid for mine.
Come on fate.
I trust Mike. I believe that when he tells me something its for my own good, even if its not for his.
We went to check out the house and well there were some issues that were overlooked. I am not a handy person so I had no idea the insulation in the upstairs was inadequate or that the fact that the house had been waterproofed 2x (inside and out) was a sure tail sign. The garage that I thought Mr. Obama would buy me would cost more like 12k to dig up and replace due to the brand new driveway that you couldnt drive a heavy duty truck on.
Little things here and there added up to one big mess. So no deal.
At least I didnt blow 200.00 on the home inspection just to find out the same things
So I am going to just go with the flow. Fate has a funny way of setting things up for you. I have an interview on Friday and Monday. I posted for a Legal Assistant job which I will hopefully get. I need out of the clicky little shithole I am in now. Screw being salary, I am sick of being expected to do 4 peoples jobs and only getting paid for mine.
Come on fate.
Friday, May 1, 2009
I think we have a winner
Ok good news first. LOVE IT. Seriously, probably even more then the first one. It has everything I need and just enough weekend projects to let me make it my own.
Bad news I will need to eventually tear out the garage and rebuild one. Thank you Mr Obama for giving me the bonus 8k to do that.
I told Mike that he needs to see it this weekend (I promised I would have him check out anything I was seriously considering) and I told my Realtor to have the ppwk ready for me to sign when we show up again.
Its way smaller then Mikes house. But I think that is part of our problem there is too much space and it all needs something fixed. Here yeah its small but its ALL done. Plus piece of mind of a 1 Yr home warranty.

So this weekend should be interesting.
I will be sure to get some more pix and post them asap.
Bad news I will need to eventually tear out the garage and rebuild one. Thank you Mr Obama for giving me the bonus 8k to do that.
I told Mike that he needs to see it this weekend (I promised I would have him check out anything I was seriously considering) and I told my Realtor to have the ppwk ready for me to sign when we show up again.
Its way smaller then Mikes house. But I think that is part of our problem there is too much space and it all needs something fixed. Here yeah its small but its ALL done. Plus piece of mind of a 1 Yr home warranty.

So this weekend should be interesting.
I will be sure to get some more pix and post them asap.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Once more for the people in the back

Going to see another house tomorrow.
This one has potential as well.
4br/2bath 1200sq ft
4 car garage w. workshop
Harwood Floors, new paint, fenced yard, all appliances, newer furnace and central air
one yr home warranty
Likely will need roof because they didnt mention it and maybe new windows. But it doesnt look that bad from the pix.
We will know more tomorrow.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
"The One"
So I was talking to a coworker today and she asked what house hunting was like. I thought for a moment and said, "It has to be like trying to find the right wedding dress." Not that I have ever tried on dresses but I am hooked on this show called Say Yes to the Dress. I know pathetic but it as close to the real thing Im ever gonna get.
So you like certain things about certain houses (look through all the current issues of Bride) you go into battle with an idea of what you want 3 bedrooms 2 baths all appliances, central air, garage (A-line strapless lace and a long trian). Eventually you hopefully find "The One" and your supposed to know it the instant you tried it on.
Well one big difference is that the dress doesnt have to pass the "inspection" well I guess if you bring any friends to your try ons that could count. And when its all done you end up signing your life away. The deed and the marriage license.
Looked at one today out of my price range but nice. Maybe. The one tomorrow is a bust. Funny how realistic they can make MOBILE HOMES today.

Seriously. I had to pull the auditor's records to find it out. DAMN THEM!!
So I am going to keep trying and in the meantime not take for granted what I already have.
So you like certain things about certain houses (look through all the current issues of Bride) you go into battle with an idea of what you want 3 bedrooms 2 baths all appliances, central air, garage (A-line strapless lace and a long trian). Eventually you hopefully find "The One" and your supposed to know it the instant you tried it on.
Well one big difference is that the dress doesnt have to pass the "inspection" well I guess if you bring any friends to your try ons that could count. And when its all done you end up signing your life away. The deed and the marriage license.
Looked at one today out of my price range but nice. Maybe. The one tomorrow is a bust. Funny how realistic they can make MOBILE HOMES today.
Seriously. I had to pull the auditor's records to find it out. DAMN THEM!!
So I am going to keep trying and in the meantime not take for granted what I already have.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
There is always a catch
So that water issue that I thought may be an issue is an issue.
We pulled the city inspection report and the house has a couple violations. 2 were minor 1 was completely waterproofing the basement. SO since I am getting an FHA loan no way that would have flown and there was already a pending contract on the place so no chance they were going to fix it.
No worries onto plan B. Looking at one nice one right where I grew up on Friday. Drove by it this afternoon not too shabby. Then another one near work thats a bit out of my price range tomorrow after work. There is also a condo a street over that may have potential but the association fees are a killer.
I will keep you all in the loop.
Off to finally finish the bosses quilt only the top. Its "due" Friday.
We pulled the city inspection report and the house has a couple violations. 2 were minor 1 was completely waterproofing the basement. SO since I am getting an FHA loan no way that would have flown and there was already a pending contract on the place so no chance they were going to fix it.
No worries onto plan B. Looking at one nice one right where I grew up on Friday. Drove by it this afternoon not too shabby. Then another one near work thats a bit out of my price range tomorrow after work. There is also a condo a street over that may have potential but the association fees are a killer.
I will keep you all in the loop.
Off to finally finish the bosses quilt only the top. Its "due" Friday.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Our house in the middle of our street
Ok so we went to see 18 houses on Saturday. 10:00-6ish.
I found one. One that I reallllly loved. A few maybe's but since I dont have a deadline to be out I am holding out for "the one" kindof like the search for "the right" wedding dress only bigger and more expensive.
Above are a couple pix. It has a cedar linen closet. OMMMMMMMMG
There is one thing that worries me its all sounding too good to be true.
Plus there is this
Now for those of you who havent a clue as to what that is let me explain. Its a coal shute. This house was actually built in 1949 when the main form of heat in my part of town was coal. Dont know where the water is coming from but that isnt good and I have no idea if it would even pass inspection. Were working on getting a copy of the inspection from the city.
Details 3 bedrooms 2 full baths over 1200 square ft. Central air oh and EVERYTHING IS DONE AND NEW!!!!!.
So I am officially in lurv with this house. If its meant to be it will happen if not I will be really pissed. Oh and only 100k baby. Orig listed for 140k which again makes me think there is some unknown demon hiding somewhere. We shall see.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Just one more reason
I took Kiah out to go to the bathroom. I just got done with a nice relaxing hot shower.
Mikes mom and dad were just pulling in next door so we went over for a visit. They said hello and then suggested I let her run around in their fenced in back yard. Oh did I mention the last few days we had some rain and it was just a titch muddy. No big deal. Needless to say I just got done wrestling her into the tub stinky marsh mud and all. Giving her a bath of which she was NOT pleased and then for kicks let her air dry herself around the house. I think I f'd up my back in the process of the bath and had to wipe down the walls in the bathroom to get all the mud off. So much for the nice shower.
House tomorrow I will find a house so help me god.
Mikes mom and dad were just pulling in next door so we went over for a visit. They said hello and then suggested I let her run around in their fenced in back yard. Oh did I mention the last few days we had some rain and it was just a titch muddy. No big deal. Needless to say I just got done wrestling her into the tub stinky marsh mud and all. Giving her a bath of which she was NOT pleased and then for kicks let her air dry herself around the house. I think I f'd up my back in the process of the bath and had to wipe down the walls in the bathroom to get all the mud off. So much for the nice shower.
House tomorrow I will find a house so help me god.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
House hunting Blitzkrieg
So I got an email from my Realtor today. 20 houses on Saturday. 20. I meet her at 10 and she said we wouldnt be done until 4:30ish. Oh joy. Its going to be warm and sunny out too so keep your fingers crossed. I am taking the camera too so I may need your input on Sunday. Wish me luck.
Oh and Mikes new idea is to quit his job, move to South Carolina and start a auto parts business with his Hot Wheels buddy. Um good luck with that. He's considering all his options.
Oh and Mikes new idea is to quit his job, move to South Carolina and start a auto parts business with his Hot Wheels buddy. Um good luck with that. He's considering all his options.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Sorry mini hiatus should be done
So the holiday is over fun family and food. NO wine which was a bit of a disappointment. I have made a decision to start looking for my own place. Not that I dont LOVE my man I just need to fulfill my dreams and I really dont see that happening in the position I am in now. If loosing Morgan taught me anything it is that life is too short to put all your hopes and dreams on someone else. I dont have the time to wait any longer for a home. (note i did not say house) So I went out got pre approved for a loan called up a Realtor friend of mine and away I went. Mike wasnt too pleased but I told him that it wasnt that I didnt love him anymore I just loved myself more. Looked at a couple forclosures so far and needless to say you have to be really pissed or desperate to take a furnace from you own home with you when you get kicked out. Oh and the kitchen sink. Seriously everything including fixtures were gone in the one condo I looked at. SERIOUSLY THE FURNACE!
So Realtor and I have arrange to spend Saturday trying to find me a new pad. Nice thing is I have somewhere to stay. I am not going anywhere unless I find something that really suits and fits me. ME. Bad thing is that I really dont have alot to take with me so I need appliances to be incl in the home aka higher price. Along with the fact that if (and when) I do find a place I have no furniture. So I will need things like a bed, dresser couch etc. Salvation Army here I come. I have lived in some pretty crappy places ask D-crazy about the efficiency apt I lived in while in college. Homeless people would not have lived there. Plus anything I pick will likely be better then where I am now as far as being finished. Granted it may not be as big but everything in it will be mine and will be there for a reason and have a use. nuff said. So we shall see what Saturday has in store for me and I will let you know.
So Realtor and I have arrange to spend Saturday trying to find me a new pad. Nice thing is I have somewhere to stay. I am not going anywhere unless I find something that really suits and fits me. ME. Bad thing is that I really dont have alot to take with me so I need appliances to be incl in the home aka higher price. Along with the fact that if (and when) I do find a place I have no furniture. So I will need things like a bed, dresser couch etc. Salvation Army here I come. I have lived in some pretty crappy places ask D-crazy about the efficiency apt I lived in while in college. Homeless people would not have lived there. Plus anything I pick will likely be better then where I am now as far as being finished. Granted it may not be as big but everything in it will be mine and will be there for a reason and have a use. nuff said. So we shall see what Saturday has in store for me and I will let you know.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
It was so hard to go back to work today.
I had Friday and Monday off. I needed to recharge and D-crazy came up for a visit.
Great time reallllly great time. We talked alot. I needed that more then I realized. I dont have any friends other than her and its tough holding everything inside all the time. I let it all out and then some. So I felt better about everything. So when I walked into my cube back to work today I tried practicing what I preached. It was hard and it will take some time. All day I focused on myself and how I was feeling not worrying about what everyone else thought. When I got angry I growled to myself and just worked through it and then when done celebrated with a internal smile. I know sounds cheezy but I need to do it.
I still dont want to go back.
I want to sleep on the couch covered in blankets and my pup.
Why cant they pay me for that?
Sunday, March 22, 2009
I love ya tomorrow
So Mike left yesterday morning for his vacation. Last night was hard nothing in the bed with me. So at about 2 am I thought I would let Kiah out and up on the bed. A few hrs later I find my glasses destroyed in the living room. Funny thing is out of all the things in the house she could have destroyed she chose the same glasses Morgan destroyed when I was in college. So I have a feeling she is still around one way or another.
Today I am gonna work around the house and work on some quilts.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Morgan aka the boo dog
Adopted 6/1999
At peace 3/16/09
During her life she loved and was loved by friends and strangers alike. Known as the Walmart greeter dog she was always happy to say hello to everyone and bring a smile to their day. She is survived by her Mom and Dad, sister Kiah and partner in crime Bailey.
She is proceeded by Schnapps and some fish.
The family requests donations to be made to your local animal shelter in her memory.
She will never be forgotten.
The Journey
When you bring a pet into your life, you begin a journey - a journey that will bring you more love and devotion than you have ever known, yet also test your strength and courage.
If you allow, the journey will teach you many things, about life, about yourself, and most of all, about love. You will come away changed forever, for one soul cannot touch another without leaving its mark.
Along the way, you will learn much about savoring life's simple pleasures - jumping in leaves, snoozing in the sun, the joys of puddles, and even the satisfaction of a good scratch behind the ears.
If you spend much time outside, you will be taught how to truly experience every element, for no rock, leaf, or log will go unexamined, no rustling bush will be overlooked, and even the very air will be inhaled, pondered, and noted as being full of valuable information. Your pace may be slower - except when heading home to the food dish - but you will become a better naturalist, having been taught by an expert in the field.
Too many times we hike on automatic pilot, our goal being to complete the trail rather than enjoy the journey. We miss the details - the colorful mushrooms on the rotting log, the honeycomb in the old maple snag, the hawk feather caught on a twig. Once we walk as a dog does, we discover a whole new world. We stop; we browse the landscape, we kick over leaves, peek in tree holes, look up, down, all around. And we learn what any dog knows: that nature has created a marvelously complex world that is full of surprises, that each cycle of the seasons bring ever changing wonders, each day an essence all its own.
Even from indoors you will find yourself more attuned to the world around you. You will find yourself watching summer insects collecting on a screen. (How bizarre they are! How many kinds there are!), or noting the flick and flash of fireflies through the dark. You will stop to observe the swirling dance of windblown leaves, or sniff the air after a rain. It does not matter that there is no objective in this; the point is in the doing, in not letting life's most important details slip by.
You will find yourself doing silly things that your pet-less friends might not understand: spending thirty minutes in the grocery aisle looking for the cat food brand your feline must have, buying dog birthday treats, or driving around the block an extra time because your pet enjoys the ride. You will roll in the snow, wrestle with chewy toys, bounce little rubber balls till your eyes cross, and even run around the house trailing your bathrobe tie - with a cat in hot pursuit - all in the name of love.
Your house will become muddier and hairier. You will wear less dark clothing and buy more lint rollers. You may find dog biscuits in your pocket or purse, and feel the need to explain that an old plastic shopping bag adorns your living room rug because your cat loves the crinkly sound.
You will learn the true measure of love - the steadfast, undying kind that says, "It doesn't matter where we are or what we do, or how life treats us as long as we are together." Respect this always. It is the most precious gift any living soul can give another. You will not find it often among the human race.
And you will learn humility. The look in my dog's eyes often made me feel ashamed. Such joy and love at my presence. She saw not some flawed human who could be cross and stubborn, moody or rude, but only her wonderful companion. Or maybe she saw those things and dismissed them as mere human foibles, not worth considering, and so chose to love me anyway.
If you pay attention and learn well, when the journey is done, you will be not just a better person, but the person your pet always knew you to be - the one they were proud to call beloved friend.
I must caution you that this journey is not without pain. Like all paths of true love, the pain is part of loving. For as surely as the sun sets, one day your dear animal companion will follow a trail you cannot yet go down. And you will have to find the strength and love to let them go. A pet's time on earth is far too short - especially for those that love them. We borrow them, really, just for awhile, and during these brief years they are generous enough to give us all their love, every inch of their spirit and heart, until one day there is nothing left.
The cat that only yesterday was a kitten is all too soon old and frail and sleeping in the sun. The young pup of boundless energy wakes up stiff and lame, the muzzle now gray. Deep down we somehow always knew that this journey would end. We knew that if we gave our hearts they would be broken. But give them we must for it is all they ask in return. When the time comes, and the road curves ahead to a place we cannot see, we give one final gift and let them run on ahead - young and whole once more. "Godspeed, good friend," we say, until our journey comes full circle and our paths cross again.
Crystal Ward Kent
Sunday, March 15, 2009
A time to laugh a time to cry
A little over a month ago we adopted a new puppy Kiah. We both thought it was time to "grow the family". Turns out the family may not grow as we thought. My older dog Morgan isnt doing to well. We thought she was just pissed off at the new pup. I took her to the vet because her gums had lost their color and she just wasnt herself. They did some blood tests and found she had anemia (low red blood cell count 20 normal was 37-55). So we tried to figure out what may have caused it. Normally anemia is just a sign of something bigger going on beneath the surface. So we took some x-rays. Her spleen was slightly enlarged but the vet thought that it wasnt anything to be worried about, it was likely due to her having to pump out more RBC's. So we thought it was likely IMHA a condition where her body saw the RBC's as foreign bodies and was destroying them. Not good but treatable. We but her on a immunosupprecent Prednisone and an antibiotic. She has been on that for about a week. We saw the side affects from the meds start on Wednesday but we havent seen any improvements in her physically. In fact she is getting worse. We will be taking her in on Monday to see what is going on. It appears that her spleen is getting further enlarged and I am afraid it may rupture. Her personality is gone and she has trouble getting up and down from the bed and other furniture. This is my first pet and overall I think I am dealing with it pretty well. But when Mike came down this morning well lets just say I really hadn't thought he was that concerned until now. I think I have only seen him cry once or twice before. It really hit me then.
I am going to see if she is suffering. I dont see that she is in pain but she has always been strong a fighter. I want to do everything I can to make her better. I have a good chunk of money in the bank and I am not afraid to use it. But I dont want to feel like I do now every day without knowing if its helping her. That sounds so selfish, but seeing her like this compared to how she "normally" is I dont see how she cant be suffering. Mike has lost 2 dogs and he said he doesnt want to go through the false hope issues again. The ups and downs of them getting better just to get even worse is terrible. I wish I could be sure that there was nothing else we could do then I wouldnt feel so bad. I know were doing everything we can right now. I hope tomorrow the vet will tell us that either this is a normal reaction and we can keep fighting or that there isn't anything more we can do.
I am prepared to ask if the vet can come to the house to put her down. I cant stand to do it at the vet. I talked to Mike and told him that if its an option I want to donate her body to science. So were "ready". He leaves on a week vacation next Saturday so were going to have to make the decision this week. One way or another this is probably not going to be a good week for me. Send me some good mojo ok?
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Opinion Needed
I have a new idea for our Etsy shop.....
Button Fairy's
What do you think??

This one fits in a 6x9 bubble envelope. So its about 4.5 by 6 ish. I didnt measure them before I mailed them. I can do everything custom on these from the color of the "wings" and "tail" and I can also do other faces, button styles etc.
I like them and they are super easy to make.
If you like them how much should they go for??
Button Fairy's
What do you think??
This one fits in a 6x9 bubble envelope. So its about 4.5 by 6 ish. I didnt measure them before I mailed them. I can do everything custom on these from the color of the "wings" and "tail" and I can also do other faces, button styles etc.
I like them and they are super easy to make.
If you like them how much should they go for??
Friday, February 27, 2009
Finally Friday
I had one heck of a week.
Now its over. I stopped on the way home bought some liquor and will be commencing mass consumption of alcohol soon oh very soon.
Good news. The quilt I was making for d-crazy (bet you thought i forgot) is almost done. Should have the top together by the end of the weekend.
I am also in the midst of making a double wedding ring quilt for my boss she is getting married in May. (ex-boss part of the heck of a week) I still have a job but she is transferring to a different department which was very sudden and unexpected. Have I ever mentioned I hate change. HATE IT. I am a creature of habit. Almost to the point it scares me. Same thing for lunch and dinner almost every day. I park in the same spot (or pretty close) every day. Ok that is a bit scary. So when I was told that she was leaving it was not a good way to start the week.
So I will hopefully have D-crazy's completely finished by end of next month. Boss' has to be done mid April. I am pushing it really close on that end.
Oh and something to look forward to. Mini vacation end of March while Mike is at his yearly Hot Wheels convention. Dont ask. And I am taking a class on dyeing fabric. It includes block printing and screen printing too. Should be fun.
Nascar practice on see ya.
Now its over. I stopped on the way home bought some liquor and will be commencing mass consumption of alcohol soon oh very soon.
Good news. The quilt I was making for d-crazy (bet you thought i forgot) is almost done. Should have the top together by the end of the weekend.
I am also in the midst of making a double wedding ring quilt for my boss she is getting married in May. (ex-boss part of the heck of a week) I still have a job but she is transferring to a different department which was very sudden and unexpected. Have I ever mentioned I hate change. HATE IT. I am a creature of habit. Almost to the point it scares me. Same thing for lunch and dinner almost every day. I park in the same spot (or pretty close) every day. Ok that is a bit scary. So when I was told that she was leaving it was not a good way to start the week.
So I will hopefully have D-crazy's completely finished by end of next month. Boss' has to be done mid April. I am pushing it really close on that end.
Oh and something to look forward to. Mini vacation end of March while Mike is at his yearly Hot Wheels convention. Dont ask. And I am taking a class on dyeing fabric. It includes block printing and screen printing too. Should be fun.
Nascar practice on see ya.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
OH if it was only the other kind of snow
Please oh please oh please let this be the last show we get this year. Yeah the bonus of living 2 min from Lake Erie is that in the summer it acts like a giant air conditioner. Plus the standard fun stuff associated with living by the largest fresh water deposit in the world. Beach fun. But in the winter it SUCKS. But as long as I focus on the fact that with out the winter I could not appreciate the summer it makes it easier. I just think about how in a month or so the crocus' will be coming up for the first peeks of spring. New grass baby everything. I so cant wait. Plus the puppies are getting cabin fever. Trying to keep Kiah up with no nap when I get home is getting a bit tough. I really dont like the 6:00 wake up call though so I drink some coffee. She is barking now again to go out in the freezing snow again for the 5th time in 3 hours. Ohhhhhhhh boy cant wait till spring.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Sunday Sunday Sunday
As some of you know I am a Nascar fan. So this weekend is the beginning of our "season".
To celebrate I have this commercial. For oil. Thought it was funny. Enjoy
To celebrate I have this commercial. For oil. Thought it was funny. Enjoy
Monday, February 2, 2009
This is why I haven't been around
Her name is Kiah. She is 5M old.
Vet says she is German Shepherd mix.
Her nick name is Long Legs Malone.
see below for more info........

We got her from a local organization called PAWS. Shes a cover dog. If you scroll down and look under "foster homes" she is shown there with her sister. Her foster name was Thema and her sister was Louise. Mike has even started her a blog. Dont ask me why. Proud papa syndrome maybe.
She is great. Morgan isnt too bad with it just pouty. She wont play with her either. I think her hips are starting to bother her again. We need to get her back on the glucosamine she was on.
She was house broken, fixed and knew a few simple comands when we got her (no and down). I told Mike that if she was a human she would be Charlie Chaplin. She just has that type of innocense and simple personality.
What do you think she is a mix of?
Vet says she is German Shepherd mix.
Her nick name is Long Legs Malone.
see below for more info........
We got her from a local organization called PAWS. Shes a cover dog. If you scroll down and look under "foster homes" she is shown there with her sister. Her foster name was Thema and her sister was Louise. Mike has even started her a blog. Dont ask me why. Proud papa syndrome maybe.
She is great. Morgan isnt too bad with it just pouty. She wont play with her either. I think her hips are starting to bother her again. We need to get her back on the glucosamine she was on.
She was house broken, fixed and knew a few simple comands when we got her (no and down). I told Mike that if she was a human she would be Charlie Chaplin. She just has that type of innocense and simple personality.
What do you think she is a mix of?
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Things have been busy
I will explain more later.
Until them reassurance that I am not the only one that feels that the US needs to start taking pride in itself again.
see you soon!
Until them reassurance that I am not the only one that feels that the US needs to start taking pride in itself again.
see you soon!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Ok you know its cold when your windshield wiper fluid doesnt squirt out because its frozen, the pump makes noise but no juice. You know its really cold when the pump that is supposed to squirt the blue juice doesnt work because its frozen (ie it doesnt make any noise at all).
Its f-ing arctic when you wake up at 8:30, the sun is out shining away and your thermometer reads:
Top # is outside temp. bottom is inside. I dont even want to think how cold it was at 2 in the morning when I woke up to pee.
At least it can be pretty
Its f-ing arctic when you wake up at 8:30, the sun is out shining away and your thermometer reads:
At least it can be pretty
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
More cold pix
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
spend spend spend
Ok I think I figured it out. I wasnt getting enough Milk. Or vitamin whatever. The past 2 days I drank a half gallon and its like im a completely different person. Come to think of it I didnt have any milk for like the week before x-mas. Problem solved.
Last night went to look for some new books etc. got a book, boycott china bumper sticker, cd and inscence plus a free book. Try this site if your into Buddhist stuff well worth it.
Then I went shopping for CHEESE. Where do you get the best cheese, from the Amish. Where do you find Amish. Southern Ohio. Where is the cheese?
Seriously dont knock it till youve tried it. I just like saying Heini. Heini heini. Want to touch the Heini? And its a cheese Chalet! Tell me that doesnt make you laugh your ass off and I will call you my mom.
Then I stopped buying things.
AHHHHHH feeling much better.
Last night went to look for some new books etc. got a book, boycott china bumper sticker, cd and inscence plus a free book. Try this site if your into Buddhist stuff well worth it.
Then I went shopping for CHEESE. Where do you get the best cheese, from the Amish. Where do you find Amish. Southern Ohio. Where is the cheese?
Seriously dont knock it till youve tried it. I just like saying Heini. Heini heini. Want to touch the Heini? And its a cheese Chalet! Tell me that doesnt make you laugh your ass off and I will call you my mom.
Then I stopped buying things.
AHHHHHH feeling much better.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
On the upswing
So I went to my hairdresser today. I love her. I have known the mom and daughter team since I was 5ish. Started with the mom cutting my hair then when the daughter got her license I became her client. She's about my age and they are so good our entire family goes there and my mom and dad even come back home just to get their hair done. Nuff said. Here is the color I ended up with.
Picture doesnt do it justice.
Second, I am not fond of tea but I found one today by chance I absolutely love.
Good stuff sorry grandma have to get you another box this one is mine. MMMMM warm flavored water. Goes great with my book. Started on the third George RR Martin book tonight. After the haircut and the stop at the organic foods store (tea etc) Mike and I went out to lunch. Nice good turkey sandwich. And the place has hummus, and all that other good stuff like Aladdins but way cheaper. Think I may try their stuff next week sometime to see how it compares. If its anything like the sandwich and baclava I had I cant wait.
Last but not least. I needed a new wallet. Since I got flavored popcorn and a tin of gum instead of something I really needed for the holiday I decided to make one. Found a pattern online, thanks Kat, easy peasy and I now have a new Not made in China wallet of my very own. Thinking of putting some on the shop. We shall see.

Thats it for tonight kiddies. Time for a movie and some cake.
Second, I am not fond of tea but I found one today by chance I absolutely love.
Good stuff sorry grandma have to get you another box this one is mine. MMMMM warm flavored water. Goes great with my book. Started on the third George RR Martin book tonight. After the haircut and the stop at the organic foods store (tea etc) Mike and I went out to lunch. Nice good turkey sandwich. And the place has hummus, and all that other good stuff like Aladdins but way cheaper. Think I may try their stuff next week sometime to see how it compares. If its anything like the sandwich and baclava I had I cant wait.
Last but not least. I needed a new wallet. Since I got flavored popcorn and a tin of gum instead of something I really needed for the holiday I decided to make one. Found a pattern online, thanks Kat, easy peasy and I now have a new Not made in China wallet of my very own. Thinking of putting some on the shop. We shall see.
Thats it for tonight kiddies. Time for a movie and some cake.
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