We are remodeling. We have been remodeling and we will continue to remodel.
Now when I say remodel, I mean demolition and rebuilding. Taking out walls and putting in new floors. Mike told me about a week ago that we may be getting some hand me down cabinets. Not new but taken out of a house that did get new ones. Mind you when we get our new ones it going to cost a little over 7k. He told me they would be taken care of when I got home from D-crazy's. Not so much. Good news is that since we have so many "new" cabinets we needed a "new" countertop. I got a NEW countertop and it is the exact same one we picked out to put in to begin with. So we will likely get the other one this weekend and we will be one step closer. I was also going to get new hardware for the cabinets just to make them feel like they are ours.

As for the quilting front.
Got my first postcard from my swap. Its beautiful. I will get a pic up tomorrow.
I have every top done except for D-crazy's.
I should have that pieced by end of weekend and hope to have the machine up and running to start quilting. I am a bit ahead of the game so I may take a break and enjoy the last Nascar race until Febuary. Or maybe I can finish my postcards.
P.S. Happy birthday Little E!