mike is out at walmart looking for hotwheels
I opened the first bottle of wine when he left and turned on Machines of Malice on the Discovery channel. Let the games begin.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Was that uneventful
So back to work tomorrow.
Still think Christmas sucked this year. My parents and grandmother honored my wishes to not buy me anything made in China. The only exception I made was for my vinyl to CD converter box thingy. Like they would make that anywhere but China. My sweet grandmother even complained to me that she found it very difficult. However Mikes family bought almost everything from China.
Some Chia herb garden that will likely get regifted to D-crazy. Some Beatles book that will be taken back to half price books. grrrrrrr.
Why buy things just to buy something. I would rather have gotten cash. But his family doesnt believe in that method. They would rather buy some totally irrelevant thing just so we open something. Let me tell you how hard it is to get excited over a tin of gum. Yeah i said tin of gum.
I thought I would do something different with mike on Saturday so we went to an Ephemera Auction at our local auction house. BAD IDEA. Over 300$ later we walked out of there with more crap that we didnt need, want or will use. I cried on the way home. Great time but we wont be doing that again. Hey live and learn.
So the next fun thing coming up will be planning my trip to Yellowstone. I decided that is what I want to do for my big trip this year. With or without mike. Planning sometime Late august early September. Whenever is cheapest. I will let you know how that turns out.
Still think Christmas sucked this year. My parents and grandmother honored my wishes to not buy me anything made in China. The only exception I made was for my vinyl to CD converter box thingy. Like they would make that anywhere but China. My sweet grandmother even complained to me that she found it very difficult. However Mikes family bought almost everything from China.
Some Chia herb garden that will likely get regifted to D-crazy. Some Beatles book that will be taken back to half price books. grrrrrrr.
Why buy things just to buy something. I would rather have gotten cash. But his family doesnt believe in that method. They would rather buy some totally irrelevant thing just so we open something. Let me tell you how hard it is to get excited over a tin of gum. Yeah i said tin of gum.
I thought I would do something different with mike on Saturday so we went to an Ephemera Auction at our local auction house. BAD IDEA. Over 300$ later we walked out of there with more crap that we didnt need, want or will use. I cried on the way home. Great time but we wont be doing that again. Hey live and learn.
So the next fun thing coming up will be planning my trip to Yellowstone. I decided that is what I want to do for my big trip this year. With or without mike. Planning sometime Late august early September. Whenever is cheapest. I will let you know how that turns out.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Orders orders everywhere
The shop has been busy. Not as busy as most but a mad rush for us.
order 1 was for 4 headbands. then 1. then 1. then a custom bag. then 2 headbands.
Here is the custom bag that I made.and some of the fabrics.

The woman that ordered it solicited me at the post office. No dirty monkey, she asked about MY purse. So I gave her a card. She then stopped me again in the parking lot and gave me her card.
I made sure she went through the shop to order it so I was being safe. Last thing I wanted was a purse stalker. Then I found out that she wanted MY bag.
I told her that each bag was one of a kind and this was my first and I couldnt part with it. So I emailed her some different fabric combination's and she picked the one shown above. Hope she liked it.
order 1 was for 4 headbands. then 1. then 1. then a custom bag. then 2 headbands.
Here is the custom bag that I made.and some of the fabrics.
The woman that ordered it solicited me at the post office. No dirty monkey, she asked about MY purse. So I gave her a card. She then stopped me again in the parking lot and gave me her card.
I made sure she went through the shop to order it so I was being safe. Last thing I wanted was a purse stalker. Then I found out that she wanted MY bag.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Toys for Tots
The quilt shown above was raffled off on Sunday.
Tix were a dollar each or 6 for 5$.
The quilt raised $308.00 for Toys for Tots.
I also got some great free advertising and will likely end up with 4 more orders.
I went shopping too this weekend and realize that I really dont like consumerism.
I tried my hardest to buy handmade but a few things I just couldnt do on Etsy.
I did order my mom a new custom address book from enjibeck. She will love it.
I also found a really cool site for design your own photo albums. Inkubook is a great idea for wedding vacation family anything photos. And its not too pricey. Careful if you start playing with it you will get sucked in for hours. Trust me. Cool because you can invite anyone in to add to your own book. Made 2 batches of cookies and finished up 2 more quilts.
Found out I dont have to worry about Mike's son they arent coming until after the first of the year. So it may turn out to be a nice relaxing quiet holiday.
keep your fingers crossed
Thursday, December 11, 2008
2wks people
14 days
I have bought maybe 4 things. This is going to be a weird year. First time not having x_mas w/out the family, my family. No special cookies, no fancy dishes, no turkey etc. But I will have Mike and his family. Mmmmm yeah somehow I think its just not going to be the same. I am in a funk big time. Always happens this time of year, every year like clockwork. The less sun I get the less happy I am. I have been trying to distract myself with all these things Im making and up until yesterday it was working. Now I really dont give a shit if they get done or not. I refuse to go to the "mall" to buy anything this yearthats not my idea of a good way to spend my time or my money. I really dont have to buy anything for anyone anyway. No one will be here to get their gifts. I could send them sure but the whole idea is seeing the reaction. I havent made any cookies and that is my favorite thing to do. I have no desire to make such a big mess. The lights on the tree have been on maybe 3 times and were not even in the room when they are on. I guess Im just not in the mood this year to do anything. I dont really have anyone to do it with. So I am going back to my room to forget about this whole crummy holiday and the fact that I am turning 32 in January. Yeah that whole where do you want to be in 5 yrs idea totally backfired. Sure didnt think I would be here. Could be worse could be worse.
I have bought maybe 4 things. This is going to be a weird year. First time not having x_mas w/out the family, my family. No special cookies, no fancy dishes, no turkey etc. But I will have Mike and his family. Mmmmm yeah somehow I think its just not going to be the same. I am in a funk big time. Always happens this time of year, every year like clockwork. The less sun I get the less happy I am. I have been trying to distract myself with all these things Im making and up until yesterday it was working. Now I really dont give a shit if they get done or not. I refuse to go to the "mall" to buy anything this yearthats not my idea of a good way to spend my time or my money. I really dont have to buy anything for anyone anyway. No one will be here to get their gifts. I could send them sure but the whole idea is seeing the reaction. I havent made any cookies and that is my favorite thing to do. I have no desire to make such a big mess. The lights on the tree have been on maybe 3 times and were not even in the room when they are on. I guess Im just not in the mood this year to do anything. I dont really have anyone to do it with. So I am going back to my room to forget about this whole crummy holiday and the fact that I am turning 32 in January. Yeah that whole where do you want to be in 5 yrs idea totally backfired. Sure didnt think I would be here. Could be worse could be worse.
Monday, December 8, 2008
I just cant take a hint
So I am trying to finish up the quilts for xmas. I was having problems with one and God Bless America if I almost didnt rip it off the frame and burn it. The thread kept breaking and the tension was all wrong. 2 days before it was fine and I finished my aunt and uncles with no problem. But I put Mikes moms on it and the machine wanted none of it. Should I take this as a sign? So then I pin basted it on the frame took it off and was going to quilt it manually. The basting was all funky and there were puckers everywhere. Fine. So I figured I would just give up on it for tonight and finish the binding on the other one. No sir re bob. My other machine ate up the outside border and now I have to figure out a way to fix that. So I fixed myself a nice strong drink and now am going to watch the Hero;s episode I tvo'd from earlier.
good ol moonshine cant go wrong with that.
Oh if you can find it try the Pomegranite 7-up yummy. esp with moonshine and juice.
good ol moonshine cant go wrong with that.
Oh if you can find it try the Pomegranite 7-up yummy. esp with moonshine and juice.
Friday, December 5, 2008
WTF friday
Not only has my week been full of fun and surprises but now its gone.
I have found that giving makes me happy. I have always thought of myself as a giver but I did something today that put me on cloud 9 all day and every time I think about it I smile. No not that you sick monkeys. Remember those 2 quilts I was doing for some people I work with. One was for a guy for his little girl for xmas I think she's 2? That was the bright fuzzy fabric. And one was for my boss's sister for her second little boy, coming end of this month the NFL Browns one. Well they were finished on my day off this Monday and delivered Tuesday. Smiles all around and even a couple Oh my god's. Then this postcard kick I have been on generated a couple orders for some other people I work with. Those were done this week too. So I had about 100.00 in my hot little hands. I took some time to think about what to do with this new found wealth. More crafty stuff, hell no I have way too much as it is. Gift for moi, nah there really isn't anything I want. Then as I was laying in bed the other night the dog at my feet and the cat on my chest it occurred to me. I chose to donate it to our local humane society. Awesome thing is that the co I work for, albiet a major pain in my ass, does have some really nice perks. One of which is a matching program for charities. Just so happened that the rep for the dept was at my building this morning. So I went down and they will be matching my donation at 100%. So all those little doggies and kitties that dont have families for the holidays will hopefully be a little warmer this holiday and hopefully I saved some furry lives. That is what the holidays are about. I swear I felt my heart grow three sizes when I dropped the envelope in the mail today. So I hope that in some way you all out there are able to give to those that are less fortunate this year. However you feel is best. There are alot of people and organizations out there now that can really use it. And it will make you feel like a hundred bucks, make that two hundred bucks.

I have found that giving makes me happy. I have always thought of myself as a giver but I did something today that put me on cloud 9 all day and every time I think about it I smile. No not that you sick monkeys. Remember those 2 quilts I was doing for some people I work with. One was for a guy for his little girl for xmas I think she's 2? That was the bright fuzzy fabric. And one was for my boss's sister for her second little boy, coming end of this month the NFL Browns one. Well they were finished on my day off this Monday and delivered Tuesday. Smiles all around and even a couple Oh my god's. Then this postcard kick I have been on generated a couple orders for some other people I work with. Those were done this week too. So I had about 100.00 in my hot little hands. I took some time to think about what to do with this new found wealth. More crafty stuff, hell no I have way too much as it is. Gift for moi, nah there really isn't anything I want. Then as I was laying in bed the other night the dog at my feet and the cat on my chest it occurred to me. I chose to donate it to our local humane society. Awesome thing is that the co I work for, albiet a major pain in my ass, does have some really nice perks. One of which is a matching program for charities. Just so happened that the rep for the dept was at my building this morning. So I went down and they will be matching my donation at 100%. So all those little doggies and kitties that dont have families for the holidays will hopefully be a little warmer this holiday and hopefully I saved some furry lives. That is what the holidays are about. I swear I felt my heart grow three sizes when I dropped the envelope in the mail today. So I hope that in some way you all out there are able to give to those that are less fortunate this year. However you feel is best. There are alot of people and organizations out there now that can really use it. And it will make you feel like a hundred bucks, make that two hundred bucks.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
New addition
I have never had a real live Christmas tree before. UNTIL NOW.
Welcome Freddy the Fabulous Frasier Fir.
This is him when we first got him home and all nice and comfy in his new tree stand.

Then Mike put on the lights and ornaments. What a doll.

Then I tried to figure out how to take a cool dark picture.

So all I have to do now is remember to water him everyday for the next month and things will be just sprucy on x-mas morning. Taking tomorrow off to finish the quilts for the holidays. Like I need another day off after the holiday. Hell yeah why not?
Welcome Freddy the Fabulous Frasier Fir.
This is him when we first got him home and all nice and comfy in his new tree stand.
Then Mike put on the lights and ornaments. What a doll.
Then I tried to figure out how to take a cool dark picture.
So all I have to do now is remember to water him everyday for the next month and things will be just sprucy on x-mas morning. Taking tomorrow off to finish the quilts for the holidays. Like I need another day off after the holiday. Hell yeah why not?
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Gobble Gobble
Yep family food and wine what could be better? Sorry this is short but I have a deadline to beat so I am back to my room. I hope all of you out there in Blogland have a great holiday. Talk to you soon!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Another Friday night and I aint got nobody....
Ok I KNOW the song says Saturday night but then that wouldnt work here would it.
Check this out Finally found a non biased tell it like it is news website. What I like most about it is that it is showing all the bs laws MR soon to be Ex president has decided to pass. AND no he doesnt need the approval of congress.
Not much to report. Almost done with my fabric postcards. Only one more left. I did get another one in the mail but I am holding off the pix until I get mine done.
Plans for the weekend make some food do some stuff keep warm. When the High is 20 you know its cold.
Check this out Finally found a non biased tell it like it is news website. What I like most about it is that it is showing all the bs laws MR soon to be Ex president has decided to pass. AND no he doesnt need the approval of congress.
Not much to report. Almost done with my fabric postcards. Only one more left. I did get another one in the mail but I am holding off the pix until I get mine done.
Plans for the weekend make some food do some stuff keep warm. When the High is 20 you know its cold.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Just another day in paradise
Ok if noone noticed Thanksgiving is like a week away. I have no idea whats going on since i have spent most of my time in my room. I kindof like it. If I dont know whats being planned I cant get stressed. Just show me where the food is and I will eat it. I did take some time to check out some other blogs and found this...http://www.umbrellas.net/
Nascar is over too so I wont have anthing to do on sundays until Valentines day.
back to my room.
Nascar is over too so I wont have anthing to do on sundays until Valentines day.
back to my room.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Lookie what I got!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
New to me
We are remodeling. We have been remodeling and we will continue to remodel.
Now when I say remodel, I mean demolition and rebuilding. Taking out walls and putting in new floors. Mike told me about a week ago that we may be getting some hand me down cabinets. Not new but taken out of a house that did get new ones. Mind you when we get our new ones it going to cost a little over 7k. He told me they would be taken care of when I got home from D-crazy's. Not so much. Good news is that since we have so many "new" cabinets we needed a "new" countertop. I got a NEW countertop and it is the exact same one we picked out to put in to begin with. So we will likely get the other one this weekend and we will be one step closer. I was also going to get new hardware for the cabinets just to make them feel like they are ours.

As for the quilting front.
Got my first postcard from my swap. Its beautiful. I will get a pic up tomorrow.
I have every top done except for D-crazy's.
I should have that pieced by end of weekend and hope to have the machine up and running to start quilting. I am a bit ahead of the game so I may take a break and enjoy the last Nascar race until Febuary. Or maybe I can finish my postcards.
P.S. Happy birthday Little E!
Now when I say remodel, I mean demolition and rebuilding. Taking out walls and putting in new floors. Mike told me about a week ago that we may be getting some hand me down cabinets. Not new but taken out of a house that did get new ones. Mind you when we get our new ones it going to cost a little over 7k. He told me they would be taken care of when I got home from D-crazy's. Not so much. Good news is that since we have so many "new" cabinets we needed a "new" countertop. I got a NEW countertop and it is the exact same one we picked out to put in to begin with. So we will likely get the other one this weekend and we will be one step closer. I was also going to get new hardware for the cabinets just to make them feel like they are ours.
As for the quilting front.
Got my first postcard from my swap. Its beautiful. I will get a pic up tomorrow.
I have every top done except for D-crazy's.
I should have that pieced by end of weekend and hope to have the machine up and running to start quilting. I am a bit ahead of the game so I may take a break and enjoy the last Nascar race until Febuary. Or maybe I can finish my postcards.
P.S. Happy birthday Little E!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Let it stop snowing
Welcome to winter Northeast OHIO.

Lake effect snow has got to be one of the worst things in the world. The fact that it only occurs 4 places in the world enforces that fact. Lucky me was born raised and live in one of the 4. How con-fing-vienent. I had to work from home today because I couldnt make it to the freeway about a mile away from the house. Seriously I got stuck on a hill that was about as small as my boobs. GRRRRRR. I hate the snow. I get into some predicament every year and luckily have not had anything serious happen.
This weekend on the other hand was great. Fabric, indian food, and a cool little girl and her mom and dad. What could be better.
So all in all everything balanced itself out. Damn that Karma.

Lake effect snow has got to be one of the worst things in the world. The fact that it only occurs 4 places in the world enforces that fact. Lucky me was born raised and live in one of the 4. How con-fing-vienent. I had to work from home today because I couldnt make it to the freeway about a mile away from the house. Seriously I got stuck on a hill that was about as small as my boobs. GRRRRRR. I hate the snow. I get into some predicament every year and luckily have not had anything serious happen.
This weekend on the other hand was great. Fabric, indian food, and a cool little girl and her mom and dad. What could be better.
So all in all everything balanced itself out. Damn that Karma.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
One crazy week.
Mom came back into town on Monday, Aunt Sue came in from North Carolina. Mini holiday on Wednesday. My mom gave me 2 quilts she finished for me to quilt and bind. I love you mom.
While back I briefly mentioned fabric postcards. I joined a swap and they got things rolling this week as well. OH MY> They mentioned something about them being addictive. Not good for someone with my co dependent personality, I am very prone to becoming addicted.
Here are my first 2 try's, they aren't "finished" I need to quilt them a bit and put a back and border on them.

X-mas was pretty simple I cut 3 different fabrics and stuck them on the Peltex. Second one I went kind of crazy on. I need to find the middle of the two. Spent some time looking around and got some good ideas. We shall see how it goes. There is supposed to be 25 in the group. I thought they would make some kick but x-mas cards to the family too. Off to my room.
While back I briefly mentioned fabric postcards. I joined a swap and they got things rolling this week as well. OH MY> They mentioned something about them being addictive. Not good for someone with my co dependent personality, I am very prone to becoming addicted.
Here are my first 2 try's, they aren't "finished" I need to quilt them a bit and put a back and border on them.
X-mas was pretty simple I cut 3 different fabrics and stuck them on the Peltex. Second one I went kind of crazy on. I need to find the middle of the two. Spent some time looking around and got some good ideas. We shall see how it goes. There is supposed to be 25 in the group. I thought they would make some kick but x-mas cards to the family too. Off to my room.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Thank you Thank you Thank you
check out http://whipup.net/
My day bags have been featured along with a link to this blog and our shop.

I have posted a listing for custom order bags. 2 sizes are available. Market (big) and Everyday (small). The picture above is the Everyday bag. Here is a work in progress example of the Market bag FRONT


And for comparison both finished projects:

These will give me a chance to use up all that upholstery fabric that was so generously donated.
check out http://whipup.net/
My day bags have been featured along with a link to this blog and our shop.
I have posted a listing for custom order bags. 2 sizes are available. Market (big) and Everyday (small). The picture above is the Everyday bag. Here is a work in progress example of the Market bag FRONT
And for comparison both finished projects:
These will give me a chance to use up all that upholstery fabric that was so generously donated.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Wild Weekend
Went to a local guilds quilt show. Fell in love with this quilt.

This is what its all about. Absolutely GORGEOUS. Here is detail of the stitching.
Now I'm jealous of that.
Second the quilt top for Mike's car club is done.

They will be raffling it off next month at their X-mas party with ALL proceeds going to Toys for Tots. What will I receive in exchange? Free advertising. Mike feels that if enough people see this at the party there are enough other members out there that would like one for themselves made from their own t-shirts. SOOOOOO, the ETSY shop will be getting free advertising in the club's monthly newsletter. I think they have at least 50 members not to mention family and friends. Only catch is that I have to list this as an example on the shop and hope that after the holidays I will have enough time to complete the orders. If I get any. Good thing is that these are easy peasy and really aren't that hard. They can be done with any and all types of shirts. I have seen Greek ones (Sigma Theta whatever), school ones (high school, college etc) team ones (played on or rooted for) the possibilities are endless. I personally like the old school concert t ones. Ahhh the memories. Anyway I have to list something on the shop so that when the Dec newsletter comes out there will be something there. We may also get a link on the clubs brand spanking new website. But that has yet to be determined.
So I am hoping that this will bring in some much needed revenue to the shop. We shall see. Plus it will give me an outlet for starting the quilting biz.
So I am going to proof a posting for the shop and we should have a listing by tonight.
This is what its all about. Absolutely GORGEOUS. Here is detail of the stitching.
Second the quilt top for Mike's car club is done.
They will be raffling it off next month at their X-mas party with ALL proceeds going to Toys for Tots. What will I receive in exchange? Free advertising. Mike feels that if enough people see this at the party there are enough other members out there that would like one for themselves made from their own t-shirts. SOOOOOO, the ETSY shop will be getting free advertising in the club's monthly newsletter. I think they have at least 50 members not to mention family and friends. Only catch is that I have to list this as an example on the shop and hope that after the holidays I will have enough time to complete the orders. If I get any. Good thing is that these are easy peasy and really aren't that hard. They can be done with any and all types of shirts. I have seen Greek ones (Sigma Theta whatever), school ones (high school, college etc) team ones (played on or rooted for) the possibilities are endless. I personally like the old school concert t ones. Ahhh the memories. Anyway I have to list something on the shop so that when the Dec newsletter comes out there will be something there. We may also get a link on the clubs brand spanking new website. But that has yet to be determined.
So I am hoping that this will bring in some much needed revenue to the shop. We shall see. Plus it will give me an outlet for starting the quilting biz.
So I am going to proof a posting for the shop and we should have a listing by tonight.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
One more thing to add to the mix
I was thinking. No its ok really I'm fine thanks.
I saw these really cool Fabric Post Cards on Quilt Pixie's site and thought to myself. Self, yes. Why dont I try something like that? I dont know. They are small 4x6 and the creative possibilities are endless. I especially like the fact that I could make a whole bunch of different ones and send them out to my family as holiday cards. There is also a little girl I know who is having a birthday soon. So I think I will try her's first. She is one of my favorite guinnea pigs, she got my first wristlet too. That is the plan for this weekend. And if things go well I will be organizing a swap. So stay tuned.
I started quilting mom and dad's quilt. I decided to do the quilt method where you quilt one block at a time and then join all the parts together. It seems to work great for this example.

Sorry if the picture of the stippling is a bit off I am still tying to get the hang of this camera.
Oh and yesterday, before we went to see RAIN (more later) I got done piecing some of D-crazy's quilt. I am also taking pix as I go so when its done I will post it as a tutorial. I have 19 of these buggers running around my room now.
RAIN was AWESOME!! Even if you dont care about or for the Beatles one way or another It is one hell of a great time. http://www.raintribute.com/ Best part was When my Guitar gently Weeps. Wow. I'll be honest I cried when they did Imagine. Best 100$ I have spent in a mighty long time.
Mom is coming into town on Monday so I have to get some work done this weekend to show her and my Aunt. The sale of their house is final too. So good news and vibes all around. All the goodness had to be balanced out. At 6:00 pm est not more then .25 miles away John McCain stopped and made an "appearance" at Mentor High School. (so what if I am giving where I live away) I about rushed home and put on my Nader t-shirt and paid him a visit. But nope. I will be making my political statement at work tomorrow. Since it is Halloween I will wear the Nader t-shirt to work. Nuff said. I am taking bets on how long I will be there before they ask me to change or go home. Anyone?
I saw these really cool Fabric Post Cards on Quilt Pixie's site and thought to myself. Self, yes. Why dont I try something like that? I dont know. They are small 4x6 and the creative possibilities are endless. I especially like the fact that I could make a whole bunch of different ones and send them out to my family as holiday cards. There is also a little girl I know who is having a birthday soon. So I think I will try her's first. She is one of my favorite guinnea pigs, she got my first wristlet too. That is the plan for this weekend. And if things go well I will be organizing a swap. So stay tuned.
I started quilting mom and dad's quilt. I decided to do the quilt method where you quilt one block at a time and then join all the parts together. It seems to work great for this example.
Sorry if the picture of the stippling is a bit off I am still tying to get the hang of this camera.
Oh and yesterday, before we went to see RAIN (more later) I got done piecing some of D-crazy's quilt. I am also taking pix as I go so when its done I will post it as a tutorial. I have 19 of these buggers running around my room now.
RAIN was AWESOME!! Even if you dont care about or for the Beatles one way or another It is one hell of a great time. http://www.raintribute.com/ Best part was When my Guitar gently Weeps. Wow. I'll be honest I cried when they did Imagine. Best 100$ I have spent in a mighty long time.
Mom is coming into town on Monday so I have to get some work done this weekend to show her and my Aunt. The sale of their house is final too. So good news and vibes all around. All the goodness had to be balanced out. At 6:00 pm est not more then .25 miles away John McCain stopped and made an "appearance" at Mentor High School. (so what if I am giving where I live away) I about rushed home and put on my Nader t-shirt and paid him a visit. But nope. I will be making my political statement at work tomorrow. Since it is Halloween I will wear the Nader t-shirt to work. Nuff said. I am taking bets on how long I will be there before they ask me to change or go home. Anyone?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Great Pumpkin
I dont know about you but when I was a kid this was a tradition. Its the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. There was also another one that some never heard of, Raggedy Ann and Andy were in one with the Glum Pumpkin. You never see that on anymore though. Funny how something like that can come back year after year and still seem current, except for the animation. God could you imagine if they had CGI back then?
Anyway weekend was normal. Week so far has been ok.
Tomorrow Mike and I are going downtown to see RAIN. Hope its fun.
Only thing really interesting is the weather, this time of year is great snow and freezing rain one day and then 60"s the next. Just pick a season and stick with it already.
You blockhead what a fool i was!
Anyway weekend was normal. Week so far has been ok.
Tomorrow Mike and I are going downtown to see RAIN. Hope its fun.
Only thing really interesting is the weather, this time of year is great snow and freezing rain one day and then 60"s the next. Just pick a season and stick with it already.
You blockhead what a fool i was!
Friday, October 24, 2008
The NERVE...
Just when I thought they were going to leave me alone to my personal devises. I get home today to find my Nader yard sign gone.
1st thought: Wind, but noone else lost their signs and we made sure to put it in like 3 inches.
2nd thought: Boyfriend may have moved it to mow the grass. Grass was not mowed.
3rd thought: Maybe it was the wind and I could find it. Nope. The wire part was gone too so it damn sure wasnt the wind.
Funny thing was that on the way down my street I saw numerous NEW signs for another candidate that had mysteriously popped up in people yards. Im not saying whose. So my first thought was to call the local news reporter that writes fluff pieces on people that are always getting screwed by someone else but he would think i was out of my mind.
Next idea order another sign. NOVEL idea at 5$ a piece they're a steal on the website. Shipping on the other hand was almost 11.00. 16$ for a sign was a bit outrageous. Wait I could order a bunch and put the whole mess of them in the yard that would show them. I did get an anniversary bonus at work for my 5 yr anniversary. Peter B would be so proud of me. I dont think Mike would go for that though.
Next, I did order a t-shirt along w. my sign and bumper sticker. I could make a SCARECROW!!!
There are a ton of leaves in the front yard. I could make it like a blood bath with other scarecrows representing the other candidates. HMMMMMMMM.
It just sucks thats all.
I really hope it was the wind.
1st thought: Wind, but noone else lost their signs and we made sure to put it in like 3 inches.
2nd thought: Boyfriend may have moved it to mow the grass. Grass was not mowed.
3rd thought: Maybe it was the wind and I could find it. Nope. The wire part was gone too so it damn sure wasnt the wind.
Funny thing was that on the way down my street I saw numerous NEW signs for another candidate that had mysteriously popped up in people yards. Im not saying whose. So my first thought was to call the local news reporter that writes fluff pieces on people that are always getting screwed by someone else but he would think i was out of my mind.
Next idea order another sign. NOVEL idea at 5$ a piece they're a steal on the website. Shipping on the other hand was almost 11.00. 16$ for a sign was a bit outrageous. Wait I could order a bunch and put the whole mess of them in the yard that would show them. I did get an anniversary bonus at work for my 5 yr anniversary. Peter B would be so proud of me. I dont think Mike would go for that though.
Next, I did order a t-shirt along w. my sign and bumper sticker. I could make a SCARECROW!!!
There are a ton of leaves in the front yard. I could make it like a blood bath with other scarecrows representing the other candidates. HMMMMMMMM.
It just sucks thats all.
I really hope it was the wind.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Ok I can take a hint
Ok so I took some cues from good old mother nature and finally listed d-crazy's awesome scarf that she left here over the summer. I made sure I took it out for a test drive first and have decided to give the scarf thing a try. I will make ONLY a few to start not like the madness that was the headbands but a couple nice ones and we will see how that goes. If not so well at least I can get some use out of them over the next few months. Here is the one I listed.
I also have the idea of making a couple of scarfs this style just to see. They are actually made out of that fleece you see at the stores all over the place now.
I would like to avoid having to go out and get more fabric right now so I think I will use some of the cotton I had hanging around for bands and give it a shot. I will let you know. Oh and the boss LOVED the Browns quilt. Just need to finish 2 more and then I can actually quilt them all. Goal is to start quilting no later than Thanksgiving. That way most will be done by the holiday. Hand binding will take some time though.
I also have the idea of making a couple of scarfs this style just to see. They are actually made out of that fleece you see at the stores all over the place now.
Monday, October 20, 2008
D-crazy part deux
So i decided on plain unbleached muslin for the block corners. Nice plain simple. Good way to offset the busy fabric and blocks. Here is the first try. Not all will be like this in fact I hope that each block will be completely different.

Coolest part is I can rotate them and get totally different looks. I can even set them on point. What that means for you non-quilters is that i wont line them up in your traditional rows. More like on diagonals. Like I did for the Baby quilt for the boss's new nephew.

Thats about it for now. I have a cough that has within the past few hours turned into a terrible sore throat. I dont want to drink coffee or tea. Ice cream didnt help. Maybe some warm jello. I finally found something to do with all my leftover salvages too. I am such a quilting nerd.

Coolest part is I can rotate them and get totally different looks. I can even set them on point. What that means for you non-quilters is that i wont line them up in your traditional rows. More like on diagonals. Like I did for the Baby quilt for the boss's new nephew.
Thats about it for now. I have a cough that has within the past few hours turned into a terrible sore throat. I dont want to drink coffee or tea. Ice cream didnt help. Maybe some warm jello. I finally found something to do with all my leftover salvages too. I am such a quilting nerd.

Saturday, October 18, 2008
D-crazy part 1
This is the fabric line I am using for D-crazy's quilt.

I saw the patterns and colors and thought of her immediately. Dont know why but I think they are earthy and thats why. Blue sky, green grass and brown dirt.
As far as the pattern. I cant find an exact example of it online but its called (appropriately) spiderweb. She picked it out of the greatest quilt book I have ever found. Its called Block Party by Marsha McCloskey. If your a quilter and dont have this book get it. Its well worth it for beginners and experienced quilters alike.
The only issue I am having is that I need another fabric for the corner setting blocks. I dont want to use any of the fabrics I used already so Im on a search for a dirty white or cream. The 4 large scale prints in the top row will be used for the backing.

I saw the patterns and colors and thought of her immediately. Dont know why but I think they are earthy and thats why. Blue sky, green grass and brown dirt.
As far as the pattern. I cant find an exact example of it online but its called (appropriately) spiderweb. She picked it out of the greatest quilt book I have ever found. Its called Block Party by Marsha McCloskey. If your a quilter and dont have this book get it. Its well worth it for beginners and experienced quilters alike.
The only issue I am having is that I need another fabric for the corner setting blocks. I dont want to use any of the fabrics I used already so Im on a search for a dirty white or cream. The 4 large scale prints in the top row will be used for the backing.

Special Announcement
One of the blogs I follow...http://whipup.net/ Has accepted one of my submissions for the month of November. The theme for Nov is RECYCLED. I am featuring the wristlets I make from the old fabric samples I got from my local fabric reupholster'er
It will be posted on their blog 11/3 so check it out maybe I should make up some more to post just in case.
On to the trouble I have gotten into....
Monster cookies baked, chex mix, chili, veal scallopini and rice and wine for dinner tonight, an awesome barley casserole using barley and lipton soup mix, D-crazy's quilt is all cut out, vacuming, grocery shopping, fish tank and cat box. I even had time for a quick nap before I started dinner. Tomorrow Mike comes home so I will finish the laundry and that should be it. Maybe I should take a shower before he gets home. Yep that would be a really good idea.
It was cold last night so I had a fire in the fire place. Nice. toasty.
It will be posted on their blog 11/3 so check it out maybe I should make up some more to post just in case.
On to the trouble I have gotten into....
Monster cookies baked, chex mix, chili, veal scallopini and rice and wine for dinner tonight, an awesome barley casserole using barley and lipton soup mix, D-crazy's quilt is all cut out, vacuming, grocery shopping, fish tank and cat box. I even had time for a quick nap before I started dinner. Tomorrow Mike comes home so I will finish the laundry and that should be it. Maybe I should take a shower before he gets home. Yep that would be a really good idea.
It was cold last night so I had a fire in the fire place. Nice. toasty.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
All alone
Now what kind of trouble can I get into.
Not much.
Barrett Jackson is on Speed tonight and if you always wondered what the big deal with old cars is this is the perfect introduction. Tonight tomorrow and saturday.
Tonight I designated as veg out night. Chipolte, diet Coke, and pierre's peanut butter cup ice cream. Tomorrow i am making a point to start D-crazy's quilt. Dont say anything but I already cut out some pieces and ooooohhhh its gonna be good. Only thing is she reads this so do I post the progress or do I keep it a surprise. What do you think?
I have been slacking w. the shop and I have some headbands that need finished. So those are on the list as well. We shall see what develops. I have planned a sleepover in the living room with the kids. We do this when "dad" leaves. Something about sleeping in the bed alone bothers me. It shouldnt as its the only time i get more than 12 inches to sleep on but im weird like that.
Not much.
Barrett Jackson is on Speed tonight and if you always wondered what the big deal with old cars is this is the perfect introduction. Tonight tomorrow and saturday.
Tonight I designated as veg out night. Chipolte, diet Coke, and pierre's peanut butter cup ice cream. Tomorrow i am making a point to start D-crazy's quilt. Dont say anything but I already cut out some pieces and ooooohhhh its gonna be good. Only thing is she reads this so do I post the progress or do I keep it a surprise. What do you think?
I have been slacking w. the shop and I have some headbands that need finished. So those are on the list as well. We shall see what develops. I have planned a sleepover in the living room with the kids. We do this when "dad" leaves. Something about sleeping in the bed alone bothers me. It shouldnt as its the only time i get more than 12 inches to sleep on but im weird like that.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
frickin fruck feckin frak frickety F$%K
My awesome etsy hat that matched my awesome fingerless gloves. It was the coolest thing I ever had in a hat and I have had many and now its the size of a large beanie. I tried rewetting it and stretching it out but it keeps shrinking up again. WHY BECAUSE ITS WOOL. Hes alergic to wool and should not have been within 5 feet of the hat. Now its just one big heavy wet round tard when it used to be a hat. I convo'd the gal who made it in hopes she had more yarn to make me a new one. Pray for me.
Oh and he left the freezer open AGAIN last night before he came to bed. So it was open and running all night while we were up snug in our bed.
Sometimes I just want to kick the living shit out of him. He doesnt do stuff on purpose but i swear how many times must you tell some one to close the freezer door before they get it. Oh and the best part is, when I confronted him about the hat he mildly said "Well I guess the laundry is yours to do now" I DO IT ANYWAY!!!!!!AAAAGGGHHHH He is leaving town this weekend and I have plans to get a bunch of shit together and take a trip to the DUMP. Maybe that will teach him. Or next time ill just stick his head in the freezer and slam the door a couple times. Kindof like rubbing your dogs face in its poo so it wont go in the house. Maybe he will get that concept.
My awesome etsy hat that matched my awesome fingerless gloves. It was the coolest thing I ever had in a hat and I have had many and now its the size of a large beanie. I tried rewetting it and stretching it out but it keeps shrinking up again. WHY BECAUSE ITS WOOL. Hes alergic to wool and should not have been within 5 feet of the hat. Now its just one big heavy wet round tard when it used to be a hat. I convo'd the gal who made it in hopes she had more yarn to make me a new one. Pray for me.
Oh and he left the freezer open AGAIN last night before he came to bed. So it was open and running all night while we were up snug in our bed.
Sometimes I just want to kick the living shit out of him. He doesnt do stuff on purpose but i swear how many times must you tell some one to close the freezer door before they get it. Oh and the best part is, when I confronted him about the hat he mildly said "Well I guess the laundry is yours to do now" I DO IT ANYWAY!!!!!!AAAAGGGHHHH He is leaving town this weekend and I have plans to get a bunch of shit together and take a trip to the DUMP. Maybe that will teach him. Or next time ill just stick his head in the freezer and slam the door a couple times. Kindof like rubbing your dogs face in its poo so it wont go in the house. Maybe he will get that concept.
OOOOOHHHHHHH great idea may steal it.
Quilt give away. Love the colors and design. And it would be awesome to have now that fall is coming. Check it out!
Quilt give away. Love the colors and design. And it would be awesome to have now that fall is coming. Check it out!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Weekend+boy= great time
We had a great time, best in a long time.
I left work early Friday. Saturday was my filling but I didnt even need the numbing stuff, he just ground down the tooth and squirted this stuff in and done. It took like 10 minutes, seriously.
He went out with a friend Sat afternoon and we watched the race Sat eve.
Sun up bright and early in the car for almost 2 hours. Christmas in the Woods was great. It was hot like 80's. It was busy but I didnt get nuts. I think it was because the first thing we bought was a bracelet for me for X-mas. I get to wear it up until a wk before the holidays so I am really happy.
Yep its even handmade. The gentleman was making them right there in front of us. This was the only one he had of this style and It was hiding in a bag. Love it. I have the website of the guy that made it and you can order online. We spent a few hours there and got some shopping done.
We went the "scenic" route home and ended up at Mike's Place in Kent OH. Google it if your interested but all I should have to say is that there was an X wing fighter parked outside in the parking lot. SERIOUSLY. Awesome food and phenom atmosphere. If we ever get married were having everyone there to eat dinner, you can reserve the bus for groups. Google it.
Bought some fabric on the way home Friday for 2 orders, one for my boss her new nephew Browns theme
and a coworker wanted a second fuzzy blanket for his little girl for x-mas.
all fuzzy fabric so when Im done it will look like I killed a muppet in my room.
Short week this week. Mike leaves on Thurs morning to go to MD to see his son for the weekend. He;ll be back Sunday eve. Ah sweet bliss. So I;m taking Friday off and may decide to go to Amish country for the day. D-crazy mentioned CHEESE today and all of a sudden I need it. We'll see what happens between now and then.
I left work early Friday. Saturday was my filling but I didnt even need the numbing stuff, he just ground down the tooth and squirted this stuff in and done. It took like 10 minutes, seriously.
He went out with a friend Sat afternoon and we watched the race Sat eve.
Sun up bright and early in the car for almost 2 hours. Christmas in the Woods was great. It was hot like 80's. It was busy but I didnt get nuts. I think it was because the first thing we bought was a bracelet for me for X-mas. I get to wear it up until a wk before the holidays so I am really happy.
We went the "scenic" route home and ended up at Mike's Place in Kent OH. Google it if your interested but all I should have to say is that there was an X wing fighter parked outside in the parking lot. SERIOUSLY. Awesome food and phenom atmosphere. If we ever get married were having everyone there to eat dinner, you can reserve the bus for groups. Google it.
Bought some fabric on the way home Friday for 2 orders, one for my boss her new nephew Browns theme
Short week this week. Mike leaves on Thurs morning to go to MD to see his son for the weekend. He;ll be back Sunday eve. Ah sweet bliss. So I;m taking Friday off and may decide to go to Amish country for the day. D-crazy mentioned CHEESE today and all of a sudden I need it. We'll see what happens between now and then.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Old skool
So I said I found some old pix of some quilts I made way back when. And what better to do during the rain delay in Charlotte then post pix on my blog.
The pix are older so they may not be the greatest.
this was my very first quilt. I still have it. I did this when I lived in GA so maybe 7 yrs ago?

This one I made for Mikes grandfather. He was a Marine and his birthday falls on flag day.

Here is one I made for my brother for a present one year for christmas i think

Thats all for now. Rain stopped race is back on. I have my first filling tomorrow morning so that should be fun and then tomorrow night is quality time with Mike, aka watching the race together. And Suday were going to this Christmas in the woods thing. I will try to remember to take the picture machine.
The pix are older so they may not be the greatest.
this was my very first quilt. I still have it. I did this when I lived in GA so maybe 7 yrs ago?
This one I made for Mikes grandfather. He was a Marine and his birthday falls on flag day.
Here is one I made for my brother for a present one year for christmas i think
Thats all for now. Rain stopped race is back on. I have my first filling tomorrow morning so that should be fun and then tomorrow night is quality time with Mike, aka watching the race together. And Suday were going to this Christmas in the woods thing. I will try to remember to take the picture machine.
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